2016年度 第1回研究会(講演)

日 時: 2016年04月23日(土)17:15~19:15

会 場: 早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 14号館 6階 610教室

Embracing individual variation in the language classroom: Integrating theory and practice

講演者: Stephen Ryan 氏  [早稲田大学文化構想学部]

司会者: 杉田 麻哉 氏       [早稲田大学早稲田大学教育学部]


Language classrooms tend to be very unpredictable places, where teachers soon learn that things rarely go smoothly or according to plan. Materials that work well for one learner may not work for another; an activity that stimulates one group may fail to interest another. Understanding this unpredictability is core to the language teacher’s classroom experience. Unfortunately, conventional approaches to the study of variation in language learning have tended to problematize this unpredictability and variation. Based in the individual differences paradigm, these approaches have regarded variation as an unwelcome departure from the norm of an assumed, though perhaps non-existent, ideal language learner. Such a view appears to be detached from the realities of most teachers’ professional lives and, as such, of little practical, pedagogic value. Fortunately, new approaches to the study of individual variation in language learning based in educational psychology offer a more positive, pedagogically grounded outlook. In this talk, I present an overview these new approaches, showing how they depart from established theory and considering some of their practical classroom applications.


Dr. Ryan gave us a talk about individual differences in language learners. Many empirical and theoretical studies on psychology of language learners have been conducted thus far and various results were found to be effective for developing a paradigm for psychological factors in language learners. However, even if we (researchers and teachers) attempt to apply these scientific results into practical settings, it is not easy to predict students’ behavior in real life settings. His talk was based on a thorough review of psychology of language learners and the talk attempted to be a bridge between theory and practice/science to real life, by introducing new approaches based in educational psychology. He first elucidated what constitutes individual differences of language learners by introducing many factors, such as attitude, personality, motivation, attribution, anxiety, belief and language learning styles. Second, he explained the complex interrelationship of how these individual differences were related to learning situations, which factors are fixed (stable) or developmental, and how these learning situations (the classroom settings, groups, pairing) contributed to shape different degrees of individual differences among language learners. With this in mind, he introduced different stages of group development/dynamics (e.g., forming, storming, norming, performing) to help learners to perform well and toward achieving the same learning goal in classroom settings. He also introduced many pedagogical implications (guidelines for practice) for teachers based on his paradigm regarding individual differences of language learners. Through his talk the audience learned how each individual has different dispositions of psychological factors and how real life situations (teachers, peers, classroom environment) play an important role in shaping learners’ psychological factors. From a research perspective, we were able to consider how the presented research results could transfer from one context to another context. We also learned how real life situations depart from established theory, and noticed the importance of qualitative research and looking at the dynamics of learners and their learning.

[文責:杉田 麻哉]

2016年度 第2回研究会(ワークショップ)

日 時: 2016年5月28日(土)17:15~19:15

会 場: 早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 14号館 6階 604教室


講師:    松坂 ヒロシ 氏    [早稲田大学]



















([t]と[n]を直結させた)[tn]という音は、出来なくともかまわないが、[tn]が出来ると発音の能率がよくなる。口の奥の軟口蓋を使うので、外から発音のようすは見えない。特にコツがあるわけではないが、音を教えるときに有効なひとつの方法は、同じ音を繰り返すこと。[tn]の場合、[tn tn tn . . . ]と繰り返すと生徒がその発音を理解するかもしれない。風邪をひいて鼻が詰まって気持ちが悪い、という人が、無意識に[tn, tn]という音を出すこともある。


[文責:松坂 ヒロシ]





「イ」と聞こえる音(例:sheep, ship)

「ア」と聞こえる音(例:kind, bat, box, bought, *a*bout, but, hurt, heart)

「オ」と聞こえる音(例:boat, bought)


(例:sheep-ship, bat-but, heart-hurt, boat-bought)




(例:can, have, is など)


たとえば、[r]-[l]の発音の教え方としては、口の中の断面図を描いて[l]と[k]の舌の高まりの違いをさっと描いて、[l]の発音の仕方を教えていた。参加者はさっと描く練習を実際にしてみた。はじめは点線をなぞり、次に何も見ないでさっと描けるかやってみた。littleの[tl]も、[t]から[l]に移るときの前から見た舌の形を[t]と[l]にそれぞれを描いて、矢印で移動を意味することを示してみせた。同じように、[w]の発音は、口をすぼめたような唇の形から少し開く様子を二つの唇のイラストを矢印で変化を表すことがわかるようにさっと描いて示した。教師が発音を口を見せながらやってみせる以外にも、このようにイラストをさっと描いて見せるとコツがわかりやすいと思った。「やってみせること」と「ストンと腑に落ちる説明」のコンビネーションが大事だと体験的に学べた。また、脱線的に話されているように見えたが、womanを「魚万」というお魚屋さんの名前を言ってみるつもりで発音させるということも話されていた。「うおまん」の例は、[w]の発音が、唇の形が「う」から「お」くらいの口の開きに移動することをよく表していて、確かに「ウーマン」ではないというポイントをとらえている。私は個人的に year-ear の対比に表れる[j]の教え方に常々苦戦していた。いくらやってみせても、私自身の発音が悪いのか、学生が体得してくれない。松坂先生ならどのように説明なさるのか。松坂先生は、発音の仕方を説明されたのちに、「大阪弁で『どこや?』『家や』」という話をさっとされたが、こちらのほうが印象に残った。後日、学生に「どこや?家や」を使って教えたら、たちどころにわかってくれた。


[文責:松林 世志子]

2016年度 第3回研究会(実践報告)

日 時: 2016年6月25日(土)17:15~19:15

会 場: 早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 14号館 6階 610教室


発表者: 杉内 光成 氏       [獨協埼玉中学高等学校]





2016年度 第5回研究会(発表)

日 時: 2016年10月29日(土)17:15~19:15

会 場: 早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 14号館 6階 教室


発表者: 浅利 庸子 氏       [東京理科大学]



2016年度 第6回研究会(修士論文中間報告会)

日 時: 2016年11月12日(土)17:15~19:15

会 場: 早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 14号館 6階 610教室

司会者: 小林 潤子 氏       [神奈川県立横浜南陵高等学校 教諭]


発表題目:           The Effect of Explicit Phonetic Instruction on Japanese Learners of English in EFL Setting

発表者: 北野 功祐 氏       [早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科修士課程2年]


Although previous research has proved that explicit phonetic instruction improves pronunciation of learners (Bradlow, et. al., 1997; Kizawa, 2013; Saito, 2011), there is room for further research into its effect compared to that of repetition practice, which is categorized as implicit phonetic instruction. Moreover, it is still unclear whether explicit phonetic instruction for each phoneme has positive effect or not. Thirteen Japanese learners of English participated in a pretest-posttest-design study. They were divided into two groups: the experimental group (n = 7) and the control one (n = 6). Participants in the experimental group received explicit phonetic instruction on 10 phonemes (/r/, /l/, /s/, /θ/, /v/, /b/, /i:/, /?/, /?/, /?/) one by one. And those in the control group were required to do repetition practice on those phonemes instead of receiving explicit instruction.The results showed that although both groups showed neither significant improvement nor significant decline in their pronunciation skills for most of the phonemes, participants in the experimental group improved their pronunciation of /?/ significantly, which suggests that the explicit phonetic instruction worked well for those learners. Moreover, as for /?/, the result of a U-test at the posttest showed that those in the control group had significantly better pronunciation skills than those in the experimental one, which indicates that the explicit phonetic instruction might have given confusion to the learners, while repetition practice enabled those in the control group to pronounce /?/ better than they had in the pretest. From these results, I conclude that phonemes differ in terms of their teachability or learnability, and teachers should be careful when they choose the way to teach each phoneme to their students.


発表題目:           The Effect of Different Types of Recall on the Learning and Retention of the Content and the Vocabulary Item

発表者: 安田 明弘 氏       [早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科修士課程2年]


The present study is an investigation of how the combination of pre-task instruction and post-task conditions in a reading task influence content learning, vocabulary learning and their retention. An original study on which the present study is based was conducted by Donin and Silva (1993), who explored the effects of task recall in two language conditions, namely in the subjects’ target language (TL) and their first language (L1). More recently, Horiba and Fukaya (2012, 2015) evaluated the effects of recall conditions (L1 or L2). They used the pre-reading instruction to let participants know what they were going to perform after the reading. As the result, they confirmed a trade-off between the language processing and conceptual processing during reading. The group instructed to do a recall in L1 significantly outperformed the other group in the content recall and the group instructed to perform a recall in TL beforehand performed better in vocabulary acquisition. Although Horiba and Fukaya (2012, 2015) confirmed the impact of pre-task instruction and the two recall conditions on outcome in two areas (content learning and vocabulary learning), the research failed to examine the within-subject effects of the two recall conditions and the retention of content and vocabulary items. The retention of the content through reading is another interesting issue (Yamada, 2012). Also, retention is a key topic in research on vocabulary acquisition (i.e., Hummel, 2010). Thus, the present study explored the effects of task conditions within subjects and the retention of content and vocabulary items.

2016年度 第7回研究会(講演会)

日 時: 2016年12月17日(土)17:15~19:15

会 場: 早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 14号館 4階 401教室

Donald Trump’s Pivot to Asia

– Continuity and Chaos in America’s Asia-Pacific Policy –

講演者: David Bell Mislan 氏          [American University]

司会者: 松坂 ヒロシ 氏    [早稲田大学]


  David Bell Mislan is assistant professor of international studies in the School of International Service at American University in Washington, DC. He writes and teaches courses on US foreign policy and the relationship between American culture and America’s foreign relations. He is the author of multiple articles and books, including Enemies of the American Way: Identity and Presidential Foreign Policymaking (Bloomsbury, 2012). Currently, Dr. Mislan is serving as a Fulbright Scholar in the Faculty of Economics at Yokohama National University. He holds a doctorate in political science from Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA) and an MA in government from Johns Hopkins University (Washington, DC.)


  On January 20, Donald J. Trump will become the 45th President of the United States. His victory caught many observers off guard and left the world wondering what exactly his administration will do over the next four years. This presentation focuses on Trump’s potential to change US foreign policy towards the Asia-Pacific. Dr. Mislan will argue that there are reasons to expect a chaotic start to the Trump administration, replete with poor management and strategic mistakes. At the same time, there are also strong structural forces at play in American society and in the US government that will constrain President-elect Trump’s ability to change US foreign policy as he has threatened to do during his campaign. Dr. Mislan will describe these factors, drawing on his own research on Presidential foreign policymaking as well as his forthcoming essay on the topic in The Cairo Review of Global Affairs.










[文責:松坂 ヒロシ]

2016年度 第8回研究会


日 時: 2017年1月29日(日) 14:00~17:15

場 所: 早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 11号館9階 901教室

講演:    奥切 恵 氏 (KLA) [聖心女子大学文学部国際交流学科 准教授]

発表1: 深田 芳史 氏 (KLA) [明星大学人文学部国際コミュニケーション学科 教授、東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科 言語情報科学専攻 博士後期課程]

発表2: 須能 麻衣花 氏 (TALK) [早稲田大学 教育学研究科 修士課程]

【講 演 者】奥切 恵 氏

【講演題目】SLA and corpus linguistics: A new linguistic corpus with comparable L1 & L2 data MOECS


  Although many learner corpora are available in the world and accessible online, researchers still face a significant challenge in drawing definite conclusions with the data due to limited control over the data collection. As such, English and Japanese of both L1 and L2 data were collected under strictly controls and with the same conditions to offer comparable data for future linguistic researchers. Okugiri, Ijuin, and Komori collected English and Japanese opinion essays in both L1 and L2, and the data is freely available online as The Corpus of Multilingual Opinion Essays by College Students (MOECS) (http://www.u-sacred-heart.ac.jp/okugiri/links/moecs/moecs.html).

  Along with specifics about MOECS, I will talk about our process with the ethical committee and with the universities where we collected the data, and details about what was given attention in the course of data collection. Furthermore, I present two types of case studies using MOECS for the acquisition of “I think” and “reason” by Japanese learners of English in comparison with first language use. MOECS allows bi-directional comparison of a first and second language and reveals pitfalls when using non-comparable data.

【発表者1】深田 芳史 氏 (KLA)

【発表題目】International students’ situated target language (TL) learning in affinity space


  Many international students are studying abroad expecting to improve their target language (TL) skills through socializing with local people in different real-life settings in their host countries. Their expectations are consistent with a sociocultural approach, assuming that people can learn and grow through participating in interpersonal activities within communities (Rogoff, 1994). This is also called situated learning (Lave & Wenger, 1991) and it has been applied to language learning (Gee, 2004).

  Contrary to expectations, however, there are various factors that prevent them from socializing with local people. In other words, international students “are legitimately peripheral [in classrooms], but kept from participation in the social world more generally” (Lave & Wenger, 1991, p. 104). Their situated-ness shows that language learning in studying abroad is not “an inevitable, effortless, or osmotic process” (Kinginger, 2009, p. 114).

  Taking postmodern and social constructivist approaches, the presenter conducted ethnographic and autoethnographic case studies in different social contexts (Hawaii, California, and Tokyo), focusing on several international students’ and also his own (perceiving himself as a Japanese learner of English while he was taking sabbatical in Hawaii) TL-mediated socialization with local people in naturalistic contexts of the host country. The data were longitudinally collected with multiple research techniques.

  The presenter found that the research participants secured TL-mediated socializing opportunities, co-constructing different types of ‘affinity spaces’ (Gee, 2004). Findings will be presented in detail, their educational implications will be discussed, and an activity for (prospective) international students will be demonstrated.

【発表者2】須能 麻衣花 氏 (TALK)

【発表題目】Form-Focused Communicative Language Teaching and the Audiolingual Method: Their effect on learners’ active use of target forms and grammatical accuracy


  MEXT (2003) laid down that teachers should give learners communicative opportunities in English classes to promote their acquisition of a good command of communicative English. On the other hand, there does not seem to be much research that demonstrates that communicative language teaching (CLT) promotes active use of English for spontaneous communication. Moreover, CLT is often criticized for failing to achieve grammatical accuracy (Richards & Rodgers, 2014). However, a number of studies demonstrate that form-focused CLT is effective in improving accuracy (Millard, 2000; Savignon, 1972). Thus, this research examined whether form-focused CLT promotes learners’ active use of their learnt knowledge while improving their grammatical accuracy. Comparison was made between CLT and the audiolingual method (ALM). The two classes were set up to be taught by those different approaches, and the target grammar points were relative pronouns and the subjunctive mood. The results showed that the students in the CLT class used the target grammatical items for actual communication more than those in the ALM class while there was no significant difference in the results of the grammar tests. This seems to indicate that form-focused CLT is more effective in teaching the use of certain grammar points than the ALM.